• Find your blue space: Mental Health Awareness Week Day 4

    13 May 2021

    Listen to the calming sounds of the waves crashing on the shore in Brighton, as Laura Knight, Dramatherapist/ K&C Arts psychotherapies lead and Therapies lead Grenfell Dedicated Service, explains how blue spaces can help us to be mindful and present.

  • Moaz and marigolds: Mental Health Awareness Week, Day 3

    12 May 2021

    This is Moaz, seen here on his family allotment near his home. This time of year he is busy sowing vegetable seeds and taking care of the flowers. Moaz will be sowing Marigold seeds this month and they are expected to blossom during the summer.

  • Grenfell Green Snap Project

    12 May 2021

    Join us in showing solidarity and remembering Grenfell together.

  • "An amazing place to let your feelings out" - Randa. Mental Health Awareness Week, Day 2

    11 May 2021

    “Nature makes me feel relaxed. It’s the most beautiful view you can ever have. You gather all these emotions and after all it’s a relief.

  • 'Taking care of the plant was a symbol of my own mental health' -Advia, NHS DS Worker. Mental Health Awareness Week

    11 May 2021

    Words: Advia Ahmed, Grenfell Dedicated Worker