• Traumatic bereavement by Michael Appleton, Senior Psychotherapist/CBT Therapist

    11 June 2019

    How do we join up two pieces of our lives when we disagree with one of the parts? When a death is preventable, sudden, random or traumatic, it creates enormous conflict. We know something terrible has happened but we can’t take it in. It’s as if a line has been drawn between the world we knew and the world we are entering; we can’t go back and we don’t wish to go forward. Yet the part we cannot accept keeps intruding, reminding us of our loss, our anguish, our fear and confusion.

  • Background NHS brief to Parliamentary Debate on Grenfell

    06 June 2019

    These are the figures for the Grenfell Health & Wellbeing Service (emotional help, trauma, bereavement, for all ages).

  • Looking after yourself ahead of the Grenfell anniversary (children and young people)

    29 May 2019

    We've published a leaflet with information and tips that young people may find helpful as we approach the Grenfell anniversary.

  • Looking after yourself and others worksheet

    15 May 2019

    We’ve published the Looking after yourself and others worksheet for you to use with the leaflet of the same name.

  • Looking after yourself ahead of the Grenfell anniversary

    13 May 2019

    Our Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service has published a leaflet with information and tips that you may find helpful as we approach the Grenfell anniversary.