Message from Claire Murdoch CBE, Chief Executive of CNWL
14 June 2023
Message from Claire Murdoch CBE, Chief Executive of CNWL
Grenfell Anniversary online creative writing workshops
12 June 2023
Wednesday 14th June: 10 to 11am, 1 to 2pm, 5 to 6pm On the anniversary we will be hosting creative writing workshops online using this year's theme of Home and Belonging.
'Great event to get the community together' - Grenfell Service gathers local community for recruitment event
25 May 2023
We held a recruitment fair on 23 March 2023 with the local community to discuss and relive the service’s ‘story so far’.
NHS support during the Grenfell anniversary
24 May 2023
Most people will feel a wide range of feelings over this time and we are here to provide any emotional and wellbeing support that is needed.
Free Banner and poster making activity – Thursday 1 June
23 May 2023
Together with the Royal College of Art (RCA), we’re hosting a free banner and posting making event for all ages, on Thursday 1 June, from 4.30 to 6.30pm, at the Royal College of Art, White City Campus, Garden House, Dorando Close, W12 7FN.